Assessor: Sarah Schumann
According to the SANBI Red List Assessment, this species is Endangered as it has lost an estimated 50% of its population due to ongoing harvesting for the medicinal plant trade as well as experiencing habitat loss (Hutchinson et al. 2016). This species is known to be highly sought after in medicinal trade and has been harvested throughout its range (Hutchinson et al. 2016). Several other species in this genus are known to be utilized for medicinal purposes and threatened by collection of wild individuals. There have been several recorded confiscations of species of the Alepidea genus from illegal collection (Confiscation List (2010) provided by Cape Nature). This suggests that this genus is being targeted and that this species may be at risk from collection and removal from the wild. Several studies have reported on this taxons growing scarcity due to unsustainable over harvesting and exploitation of wild populations for urban medicinal muthi market trade (Maroyi, 2008; Van Wyk et al. 2008).
Hutchinson, S.L., Raimondo, D., Williams, V.L., van Wyk, B.E. & Lötter, M. 2016. Alepidea cordifolia B.-E.van Wyk. National Assessment: Red List of South African Plants version 2020.1.
Maroyi, A. 2008. Ethnobotanical study of two threatened medicinal plants in Zimbabwe. The International Journal of Biodiversity Science and Management 4(3):148-153.
Van Wyk, B.E., de Castro, A., Tilney, P.M., Winter, P.J.D. and Magee, A.R. 2008. A new species of Alepidea (Apiaceae, subfam. Saniculoideae). South African Journal of Botany 74(4):740-745.
This taxon is estimated to have declined by 50% over the past 60 years (three generations) and is becoming rare and eradicated in many areas of its range (Hutchinson et al. 2016).
Hutchinson, S.L., Raimondo, D., Williams, V.L., van Wyk, B.E. & Lötter, M. 2016. Alepidea cordifolia B.-E.van Wyk. National Assessment: Red List of South African Plants version 2020.1.
This species rhizomes are harvested causing the death of individuals and a decline in its population (Hutchinson et al. 2016).
Hutchinson, S.L., Raimondo, D., Williams, V.L., van Wyk, B.E. & Lötter, M. 2016. Alepidea cordifolia B.-E.van Wyk. National Assessment: Red List of South African Plants version 2020.1.
Over-harvesting of wild individuals has put pressure on this species across its range whereby it has become rare and chances of recovery are poor, threatening the persistence of this species (Hutchinson et al. 2016).
Hutchinson, S.L., Raimondo, D., Williams, V.L., van Wyk, B.E. & Lötter, M. 2016. Alepidea cordifolia B.-E.van Wyk. National Assessment: Red List of South African Plants version 2020.1.