Phyllobolus gariepensis

Assessor: Sarah Schumann

Sensitive in 2010
Reason for the sensitivity status
A survey of online marketplaces indicated that this genus is not very popular in trade and that there is little demand. No particular South African species are known to be threatened by collection of wild individuals. Rarity and range restriction makes this species vulnerable to population loss. However as it is not thought to be threatened, were exploitation to occur, recruitment and recovery may be possible.
Exploitation extent
None - this species and its close relatives are not exploited, collected, traded or utilized in a targeted manner.
Justification and references

According to the SANBI Red List Assessment, this species is Rare as it is range restricted and not thought to be threatened (Raimondo & Cholo, 2008). A survey of online marketplaces indicated that this genus is not very popular in trade and that there is little demand. No particular South African species are known to be threatened by collection of wild individuals.

Raimondo, D. & Cholo, F. 2008. Phyllobolus gariepensis Gerbaulet & Struck. National Assessment: Red List of South African Plants version 2020.1. 

Population vulnerability
Population is vulnerable: size is <= 2500 mature individuals OR the number of known subpopulations is <= 5 OR range is <= 100km2 OR species at risk of localised extinctions
Justification and references

This taxon has an extent of occurrence of less than 100 km² (Raimondo & Cholo, 2008).

Raimondo, D. & Cholo, F. 2008. Phyllobolus gariepensis Gerbaulet & Struck. National Assessment: Red List of South African Plants version 2020.1. 

Targeted demographics
Mature (breeding) and immature individuals are not killed, are not significantly weakened (the harvesting methods do not do harm), and are not permanently removed from the wild.
Regeneration potential
This species has a slow population growth rate, or the growth rate varies depending on habitat, and there is a poor chance the wild populations will recover from exploitation OR a collector might feasibly harvest the entire extant population removing the chance of subsequent recruitment.
Justification and references

Rarity and range restriction (Raimondo & Cholo, 2008) makes this species vulnerable to population loss. Were exploitation to occur, recruitment and recovery may be poor.

Raimondo, D. & Cholo, F. 2008. Phyllobolus gariepensis Gerbaulet & Struck. National Assessment: Red List of South African Plants version 2020.1.