Alepidea basinuda

Assessor: Sarah Schumann

Sensitive in 2010
Reason for the sensitivity status
Other species in this genus are known to be utilized for medicinal purposes and threatened by collection of wild individuals. There have been several recorded confiscations of species of the Alepidea genus from illegal collection. As this taxon does not have a vulnerable population size and it is not thought to be threatened, were exploitation to occur, recruitment and recovery may be possible.
Exploitation extent
Uncertain - No data exists yet showing that this species is exploited in the wild, however it has one or more relatives or look-alike species (found in South Africa or globally) that are known to be utilised. This species has a similar life form or other relevant traits to its exploited relative(s), making it highly likely that it would be exploited for the same purposes.
Justification and references

According to the SANBI Red List Assessment, this species is Data Deficient as it is widespread, rarely collected and poorly known (von Staden & Hutchinson, 2015). Other species in this genus are known to be utilized for medicinal purposes and  threatened by collection of wild individuals. There have been several recorded confiscations of species of the Alepidea genus from illegal collection (Confiscation List (2010) provided by Cape Nature).

von Staden, L. & Hutchinson, S.L. 2015. Alepidea basinuda Pott var. basinuda. National Assessment: Red List of South African Plants version 2020.1.

Population vulnerability
Justification and references

This taxon is thought to be widespread (von Staden & Hutchinson, 2015).

von Staden, L. & Hutchinson, S.L. 2015. Alepidea basinuda Pott var. basinuda. National Assessment: Red List of South African Plants version 2020.1.

Targeted demographics
Regeneration potential
This species has a fast population growth rate, and there is a good chance the wild populations will recover from exploitation.
Justification and references

As this taxon does not have a vulnerable population size and it is not thought to be threatened, were exploitation to occur, recruitment and recovery may be possible.