Assessor: Sarah Schumann
This taxon is variable as there are a number of regional forms that have not received widespread taxonomic recognition. Some of the more distinct forms may be sensitive/targeted (S. Molteno, personal communication, 12 August 2022). This species and its varieties are known to be sought after and wild collected for horticultural trade (Molteno, S Personal communication, 12 August 2022). This genus is in demand and of interest in international horticultural trade, as indicated by several online marketplace, e-commerce and auction sites. Plants of this genus were among those targeted and confiscated during a recent criminal prosecution of illegal plant collecting. There have been several recorded confiscations of species of the Haworthia genus from illegal collection (Confiscation List (2018-2021) provided by Cape Nature and SANBI Karoo Desert Botanical Garden).
This taxon is known from over a hundred subpopulations (Molteno, S Personal communication, 12 August 2022).
As this species does not have a vulnerable population size, recruitment and recovery from harvesting may be possible.