Assessor: Sarah Schumann
According to the SANBI Red List assessment, this species is of Least Concern as it is widespread, common and not threatened (von Staden, 2012). The cactiformis species was present in recent confiscated material (Confiscation Lists (2022) provided by SANparks Sendlingsdrift Garden). This suggests that this variety could possibly also be targeted or popular for horticultural purposes.
von Staden, L. 2012. Larryleachia cactiformis (Hook.) Plowes var. cactiformis. National Assessment: Red List of South African Plants version 2020.1.
This taxon is thought to be widespread and common (von Staden, 2012).
von Staden, L. 2012. Larryleachia cactiformis (Hook.) Plowes var. cactiformis. National Assessment: Red List of South African Plants version 2020.1.