Assessor: Sarah Schumann
According to the SANBI Red List Assessment, this species is Vulnerable as it is experiencing ongoing population decline due to harvesting of wild individuals for traditional medicinal trade as well as habitat loss (Williams et al. 2008; Peckover, 2007; Williams, 2007). This taxon is thought to be over-exploited throughout a large proportion of its range (Scott-Shaw, 1999). Indications show that this species is scarce, declining and targeted by collectors (Williams et al. 2008).
Peckover, R.G. 2007. Seen at a herbal market in Johannesburg. Veld & Flora 93(1):10.
Scott-Shaw, C.R. 1999. Rare and threatened plants of KwaZulu-Natal and neighbouring regions. KwaZulu-Natal Nature Conservation Service, Pietermaritzburg
Williams, V.L., Witkowski, T.F. and Balkwill, K. 2007. Volume and financial value of species traded in the medicinal plant markets of Gauteng, South Africa. International Journal of Sustainable Development & World Ecology 14(6):584-603.
Williams, V.L., Raimondo, D., Crouch, N.R., Cunningham, A.B., Scott-Shaw, C.R., Lötter, M. & Ngwenya, A.M. 2008. Stangeria eriopus (Kunze) Baill. National Assessment: Red List of South African Plants version 2020.1.
This taxon has lost 20% of its habitat over three generations (150 years) and has lost 10-20% of its population with further decline expected (Williams et al. 2008). This species is at rick of localized extinctions (Bösenberg. DW, personal communication 2021, 1 December).
Williams, V.L., Raimondo, D., Crouch, N.R., Cunningham, A.B., Scott-Shaw, C.R., Lötter, M. & Ngwenya, A.M. 2008. Stangeria eriopus (Kunze) Baill. National Assessment: Red List of South African Plants version 2020.1.
Harvesting is proving to cause population decline (Williams et al. 2008).
Williams, V.L., Raimondo, D., Crouch, N.R., Cunningham, A.B., Scott-Shaw, C.R., Lötter, M. & Ngwenya, A.M. 2008. Stangeria eriopus (Kunze) Baill. National Assessment: Red List of South African Plants version 2020.1.
Several threats and ongoing decline places the persistence of this species at risk as well as being vulnerable to over-exploitation (Williams et al. 2008). It is not likely the entire extant population will be removed (Bösenberg. DW, personal communication 2021, 1 December).
Williams, V.L., Raimondo, D., Crouch, N.R., Cunningham, A.B., Scott-Shaw, C.R., Lötter, M. & Ngwenya, A.M. 2008. Stangeria eriopus (Kunze) Baill. National Assessment: Red List of South African Plants version 2020.1.