Assessor: Krystal Tolley
Wild caught individuals of this species have been exported under CITES Appendix II in limited numbers (<90), although there are no recorded exports in the last decade (UNEP-WCMC 2018)
The range size of this chameleon is approximately 39km2 (Tolley In press), suggesting the the population could be vulnerable to removals.
Permanent removal from the wild has occurred (UNEP-WCMC 2018), although it is not known if removals are of adults or juveniles.
This species is viviparous, and although clutch sizes are not known, other species in the genus may give birth to 10-15 offspring annually (Tolley & Burger 2007). Given their life history, it is likely that the species would recover from limited permanent removals, particularly because the species habitat is continuous which would allow for recolonsation.