Assessor: Sarah Schumann
According to the SANBI Red List Assessment, this species is Endangered as it is known from three locations and is threatened by harvesting for honey bush tea (Vlok & Raimondo, 2011). The reseeding subpopulation form of this species is experiencing ongoing decline due to harvesting (Vlok & Raimondo, 2011).
Vlok, J.H. & Raimondo, D. 2011. Cyclopia alopecuroides A.L.Schutte. National Assessment: Red List of South African Plants version 2020.1.
This taxon is known from three locations and has an extent of occurrence of less than 70 km² (Vlok & Raimondo, 2011).
Vlok, J.H. & Raimondo, D. 2011. Cyclopia alopecuroides A.L.Schutte. National Assessment: Red List of South African Plants version 2020.1.
Harvesting of this species is causing a decline in the reseeding form of this species (Vlok & Raimondo, 2011).
Vlok, J.H. & Raimondo, D. 2011. Cyclopia alopecuroides A.L.Schutte. National Assessment: Red List of South African Plants version 2020.1.
Few known locations and ongoing harvesting pressure is causing population decline and lowering the chances of this species recruitment and recovering.