Assessor: Sarah Schumann
According to the SANBI Red List Assessment, this species is Vulnerable as it is known from five locations and is potentially threatened by habitat degradation (Victor et al. 2012). Other species in this genus are known to be threatened by collection of wild individuals (von Staden et al. 2012).
Victor, J.E., McMurtry, D., Grobler, L., Burns, S. & Bytebier, B. 2012. Disa alticola H.P.Linder. National Assessment: Red List of South African Plants version 2020.1.
von Staden, L., Oliver, E.G.H. & Raimondo, D. 2012. Disa longicornu L.f. National Assessment: Red List of South African Plants version 2020.1.
This taxon is known from five locations (Victor et al. 2012)
Victor, J.E., McMurtry, D., Grobler, L., Burns, S. & Bytebier, B. 2012. Disa alticola H.P.Linder. National Assessment: Red List of South African Plants version 2020.1.
Few known locations of occurrence and potential threat from overgrazing and trampling by livestock lowers chances of recruitment and recovery were exploitation to take place (Victor et al. 2012).
Victor, J.E., McMurtry, D., Grobler, L., Burns, S. & Bytebier, B. 2012. Disa alticola H.P.Linder. National Assessment: Red List of South African Plants version 2020.1.